Funny Questions to Ask a Singer

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Funny Questions to Ask a Singer
Humorous Inquiries to Ask a Singer

Funny Questions to Ask a Singer

When you are meeting a new singer, why not come up with a list of funny questions to ask a singer? This way, you can get to know them better and have more fun at your next meeting.

Here are some examples of questions you might want to ask:

Describe your favorite and least favorite part about being a singer

What is your favorite and least favorite part about being able to sing? If you are someone who enjoys performing and is able to get out on stage, then you are probably onto something.

However, if you are someone who refuses to perform in social situations, then you aren’t as dedicated as you might be. So, how do you get over this and make singing a career?

Describe the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten

Are you a fan of fried calamari? Is it weird? Is it fresh? The answer is both. I know it sounds weird and I’ve eaten it once. But it is a good way to learn more about a guy.

Hopefully you will get some good information and maybe even find something you didn’t know before. You never know!

I’ve heard some of the dumbest words and lyrics, and I’ve seen people do the dumbest things. I’m sure there’s a song out there about the craziest thing you’ve ever eaten.

Maybe you’ve been there too. If so, try asking your favorite singer about it! It might even make you laugh! You never know – you may even surprise them!

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